This award was developed and sponsored
by Troop 1210 (Foothills Church) Rancho Sa
nta Margarita, California. This award
may be earned by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts Sea Scouts and/or Ve
nturers, as well as adult leaders. This award honors Dennis
Crockett, MD, FACS, FAAP, who for over twenty years has encouraged Scouts to participate in a trail building or
conservation project over Christmas Break.
The Civilian Conservation Corps, also known as the CCC, was
established in 1933 by Presiden
t Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and Congress, and put many y
oung men to work doing worthwhile projects acro
ss the nation. The CCC restored more than
3,900 historic structures, developed in excess of 800 state park
s and worked on countless projects in the national parks. The
CC built over 28,000 miles of trails, more than 38,500 vehicle bri
dges, at least 3,116 lookout towe
rs as well as many lodges
and museums. The CCC was disbanded after the start of World War II.
The center of the patch depicts the actual red, green a
nd gold shoulder patch worn by
the surveyors of the CCC.
1. Participate in a “substantial” trail
building or conservation proj
ect over Christmas Break (or in the month of December),
of at least 6 hours work. The definition of
‘substantial” is left to the judgmen
t of the unit leadership, but should be
something more than trash pick-up.